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Work Permit is Designed to Fill Current Skill Shortages

Foreign Workers

Individuals who seek temporary employment in Canada must have an offer of employment and HRSDC (Human Resources Skills Development) must provide a positive Labour Market Opinion. However, there are some types of work which are exempt from this process. For instance Religious work and intra-company transferees do not require a labour market opinion.

Fill Skilled Labour Shortages by Hiring Newcomers

Hire an Intern

Federal government departments and agencies and private sector employers can fill skilled labour shortages by hiring newcomers through the Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program. These skilled and experienced newcomers can enhance your workplace by increasing productivity and creativity, by bringing new perspectives, and by expanding local and global networks.

All qualified candidates of the program have the necessary language skills and are ready to work. They are screened by immigrant-serving organizations (ISOs) and provided with training, if needed. They are also evaluated and interviewed thoroughly by CIC. Candidates can work in fields such as policy, administration, project management, computer science, communications, science and finance.

The majority of interns start working in September, but requests for FIN candidates can be made throughout the year. Internships are offered in Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, and Victoria. New locations may be added based on demand. During the internship, each candidate is paired with a mentor and provided with various training opportunities (e.g. cross-cultural training).

hire foreign workers without the need of an LMIA

International Mobility Program

The International Mobility Program allows employers to hire foreign workers without the need of an LMIA. Exemptions from the LMIA process are available where there are reciprocal benefits for Canadians and other competitive advantages for Canada. Employers can hire workers abroad or already in Canada. Employers can normally hire a foreign worker for up to four years. Qualified foreign workers already in Canada could include those who:

  • Are about to complete a job contract with another employer
  • Hold an open work permit that allows them to work for any employer in Canada
apply for a work permit from your country of residence

Prior to Coming to Canada

Individuals must apply for a work permit from your country of residence. Some countries may also require you to obtain a temporary resident visa. In addition, applicants who apply under certain occupations will also need a medical examination and may be required to undergo an interview. **Nationals or permanent residents of the US, Greenland or St. Pierre and Miquelon may apply for a work permit at a port of entry.

Note: There are some jobs in Canada which may exempt you from acquiring a work permit. For instance foreign teams, athletes and coaches may compete in Canada without a work permit. In addition, certain Free Trade agreements may allow some business professionals to work in Canada without a work permit.

Who can apply?

Provincial Business Programs

Most provinces in Canada have an agreement with the government of Canada to nominate candidates destined to their provinces. Manitoba for example has a provincial program, which authorizes the province of Manitoba to recruit, screen and nominate qualified business people from around the world who have the intent and ability to move to Canada and establish or purchase a business. For further consideration under the federal or provincial business categories please get in touch with us.

Qualified Skills

An applicants skills and qualifications are assessed based on the National Occupational Classification (NOC) list which provides a standardized language for describing the work preformed by Canadians in the labour market.


For an NOC qualification assessment, exemption criteria’s and coordination of your work permit please contact us.

Canadian Employers looking for Foreign Workers

Employers Role

Canadian Employers looking for Foreign Workers have to make a formal job offer which must be approved by (HRSDC) Service Canada for a labour market opinion. Note: If you are an employer who is hiring foreign workers in an occupation which requires prolonged and or extensive recruitment, for example;(the quantity of workers being recruited or the difficulty of the recruitment) you may be considered for pre-approval by service Canada. Employers requiring any assistance to obtain a Labour Market Opinion or assistance with any specialized programs for employers must use a licensed recruitment firm in the province of Manitoba as of January 1st, 2009. please refer to Manitoba Standards department.


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